US presidential commission said last week that illegal drug trafficking has become America's number one crime problem. 据一美国总统委员会声称在上个星期违法贩毒已经成为美国犯罪之首。
The practical reality is that there is very little the police, courts or prisons can do about the crime problem. 现实是警察、法院或监狱对犯罪问题能做的很少。
Judging from countless media reports in newspapers from coast to coast, it would surely seem that we have finally got a handle on the Nation's crime problem. 从各州无数的报纸媒体所报道的信息来看,显然我们已经对全国的犯罪问题进行了有效的控制。
Why is it the police never seem to be able to solve the crime problem? 为什么警察好象没办法解决犯罪问题?
However, the deviate behavior, even crime problem of the mobile population'children has become more and more critical, which has become a threat to the city's security. 但是,流动人口子女行为偏差甚至犯罪问题日益突显,成为城市治安的隐患。
Status crime problem is an important problem of modern criminal law theories development process. 身份犯问题是现代刑法理论发展过程中的一个重要问题,历来都受到国内外刑法学者的关注。
The duty crime problem is always cared about and researched on in our country, even the other countries. 职务犯罪问题一直是我国,乃至世界各国普遍关注、研究的问题。
Thus it can be seen, our country teenagers break the law commit a crime problem have affected stabilize, prevent, control and eliminate teenagers break the law commit a crime already urgent. 由此可见,我国青少年违法犯罪问题在一定程度上已经影响到了社会的治安和稳定,预防、控制和消除青少年违法犯罪已刻不容缓。
A serious social problem in modern cities, urban crime problem, has a very strong spatial background. 犯罪是当代城市最大的社会问题,对犯罪实施有效的空间防控是解决城市犯罪问题的重要途径。
However, new problems have appeared, including floating population crime problem& one of difficulties in public security in Shaoxing. 但同时也带来了一些新的问题,其中流动人口犯罪问题更成为当前绍兴市的治安难点之一。
The crime problem of identification, one of the focus of controversy, mainly in the Illegal Practice of Medicine, the main aspects. 目前对该罪的认定问题,争议的焦点之一主要在非法行医罪的主体方面。
Related offences including comparative, unfinished form with the existence range joint crime problem, and which is abhorrent to form and joint crime for key points of discussion. 包括与相关罪名的界限,未完成形态存在范围与共同犯罪问题,而其中又以未完形态和共同犯罪作为讨论的重点。
Subject practiced the crime problem is a more complicated problem worthy of study, and implementation of crime mob had more research to play a limited space, this mob crime practiced in limited studies, the author made a number of their own views. 共同犯罪中实行过限问题是一个比较复杂值得研究的问题,而聚众犯罪中实行过限更有研究的发挥空间,本文在聚众犯罪实行过限的研究中,提出了一些笔者自已的看法。
With the great social transformation of our country, the daily increasing crime problem has gotten more and more experts 'and scholars' attention. 伴随着我国正在发生的深刻的社会转型,犯罪问题日益突出,也得到越来越多专家、学者的关注。
Including deforestation problems; subjective existence question; whether it constitutes a crime and what constitutes a crime problem; specific conviction and sentencing of the standard problem. 包括滥伐林木罪存在的问题;主观要件存在的的问题;是否构成犯罪和构成什么犯罪方面问题;具体定罪量刑的标准存在的问题。
In the final part of a topic, the author of crime under criminal law in the theory on the unit, focused on the illegal practice for the unit can constitute the main body of the crime problem. 在最后的一个专题部分,笔者则依据刑法中关于单位犯罪的有关理论,着重探讨了对于单位能否成为非法行医罪的主体的问题。
Whether in the judicial practice of limit of joint crime problem that make accurate, this involves trial of such cases how accurate conviction. 能否在司法实践中对共同犯罪实行过限问题作出准确认定,这涉及到审判过程中如何对此类情形准确的定罪量刑。
In the theory of the criminal law in China, indirect intention is referred to the bottom line of the establishment of intentional crime, therefore, theoretical issues of indirect intention is a matter of fact, what an intentional crime problem within the limits established. 在大陆刑法理论中一般将间接故意作为成立故意犯罪的底线,因此,间接故意的理论问题实际上是一个关乎故意犯罪在什么限度内成立的问题。
The influx of young urban migrant workers provides endless labor for the rapid development of the city. But it also brings the city a lot of social problems, such as the growing crime problem. 不断涌入城市的年轻农民工,为城市飞速发展提供了源源不断的劳动力,同时也给城市带来了诸多社会问题,如日益增长的犯罪问题。
Although in which scholars have never deny the importance of morality for juvenile delinquency prevention and governance, but little only from a moral perspective to look at juvenile crime problem. 虽然在其中学者们从没有否认过道德对于青少年犯罪预防及治理的重要性,但却很少仅从道德的视野去看待青少年犯罪问题。
Around the world within the scope of the female crime problem, women rising crime rate which country is no longer the individual phenomenon, but criminal learn field face global social problems. 纵观世界范围内的女性犯罪问题,女性犯罪率不断攀升不再是哪个国家的个别现象,而是犯罪学领域所面临的全球性社会问题。
Part three, the limits of corporate crime problem. 第三部分,法人犯罪的界限问题。
The fourth section describes a number of financial fraud crime problem. 第四部分介绍了集资诈骗罪的罪数问题。
The cause, harm and precautionary measures of drug crime are all the modern drug crime problem should be carefully studied. 毒品犯罪的形成原因,危害,预防措施都是现代毒品犯罪应当仔细研究的问题。
At the same time, the environmental crime problem is increasingly serious; it is increasing Eco-environmental destruction. 与此同时,环境犯罪问题日益严重,更是加剧了对生态环境的破坏。
Surplus Behavior is a very common and challenging crime problem in the study of practiced theory. Whether in the definition, in the constituent elements, in specifically identified, or in criminal responsibility, there is much to be researched. 实行过限是在研究共同犯罪理论中一个十分具有挑战性的问题,不管是在概念界定、构成要件上,还是在具体认定以及刑事责任承担上都有许多值得探讨的问题。
Increasing the types of gambling in the current renovation, endless forms and patterns, our criminal law appears to have lagged behind, unable to effectively deal with growing crime problem gambling. 在当前赌博种类日益翻新,形式和花样层出不穷时,我国刑法的规定则已显得相对滞后,不能有效应对愈演愈烈的赌博犯罪问题。
Many times the implementation of loan fraud crime number recognition, on charges of implicated offense in the crime problem and the coincidental statute is discussed. 就多次实施贷款诈骗行为的罪数认定,有关罪名的牵连犯问题以及有关罪名的法规竞合问题予以探讨。
World in the nowadays, the drug-related crime problem spread unchecked, being to compare is severe according to the drug-related crime serious harm, every country strike to drug-related crime. 当今世界,毒品犯罪问题泛滥,鉴于毒品犯罪的严重危害,各国对毒品犯罪的打击都是比较严厉的。
Only the tax crime problem in real history background and conditions evaluation, we can understand the occurrence and development of reason. 只有将税收犯罪问题置于真实的历史背景和条件下去评析,才能真正了解其发生和发展的原因。